
May you enjoy moments of refreshment as you read and reflect

About 4 months ago, my left shoulder tapped me adroitly on my (figurative) shoulder to let me know that something was amiss. The scan and X ray my doctor ordered revealed that bursitis was the culprit. And so, two days before Christmas, I drove to the local Radiology centre for a steroid injection. Finding parking was a challenge but I...

Let's Be Kind!


My plan last year was that by Jan 1st 2024 I'd be a brand new woman! I hoped and prayed that I would be blessed with tons of vigour and vitality, so I could dive into the river of life with a mighty splash, its ripples reaching to far exotic places! Unfortunately … it did not happen quite like that!...

When we moved into our home six years ago, I found a number of places I could refer to as a Happy Place . I loved the lake nearby and enjoyed walking around it, watching ducks swim and waddle and play in, while dappled sunlight glinted in my eyes and reflections of flora in blue water winked at me. Yes,...

At the start of the year, our church had a special time of fasting and prayer. For three Wednesdays in a row, we'd meet at 7 a.m, 12 noon or 7 p.m. (at a time best suited for each attendee) to participate in a time of worship and intercession. I really enjoyed being part of it the previous year,...

The Secret!


Over the last six years, I've spent many mornings sitting in our picturesque backyard, communing with my Saviour. I'm so grateful to God for our outdoor areas and also grateful to my beloved, who does a tremendous job of maintaining them. In colder weather, though, I've had to resort to being in my little Den, also a much relished God-space....

Each winter, being too cold to sit outdoors, I've had to find a different way to sip nature's cup of loveliness. How fortunate we are these days, to be able revel in the beauty of far flung places from the comfort of our own homes. I've been transported to picturesque lands and exotic surrounds, as I enjoy daily communion with...

I penned a blog for sharing today but like a knock on my front door that HAD to be answered, life interrupted me and made me write another in its place. My beautiful friend from childhood, Lilanthie De Mel went to her eternal home a few days ago and I'm still reeling with the shock of it! Lilanthie was one...

May 12th 2024 was an epoch day in my life - my spiritual birthday! And not just any birthday. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that I'd experienced the thrill of knowing Jesus for 50 years. It's been a Grand Adventure, soaked in the goodness of God, revelling in His presence and basking in His love. Not that...

I've been disappointed that during the last few years, prolonged fatigue has stopped me from my usual jaunty joyful rambles. I miss walking under God's open sky, basking in green surrounds. Recently, I was sitting in my backyard when I was startled to behold a splash of beauty shimmering on my horizon. As I looked towards this inquisitive intruder,...

Recently, as I reflected on a story in St Marks gospel, two words from the passage spoke deep into my heart - it was like being wrapped by my husband's soothing embrace. What were the two words? Ah! Let me share more! Jesus had taken his three closest disciples, Peter James and John to a mountain top for a unique...

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