
May you enjoy moments of refreshment as you read and reflect

The new home we moved into five years ago has been for us a slice of paradise. We'd had to endure many challenging, exhausting months in the moving process, so when God showed up big time, performing miracle after miracle to bring us into our promised land, it was evident that it was a loving gift from Him. In...

A few weeks ago, I hunted high and low for a shopping list which usually hangs on our fridge. But despite spending half an hour looking for it, it seemed to have vanished into thin air. Finally, I knew I had to get to the shops post haste, in order to beat the schools' rush on my return journey....

One evening I heard our front door-bell ring. As I opened the door, a gust of cool autumn breezes wafted in with their breezy hello. Two parrots screeched as they raced each other outdoors and up in the skies above, soft white cotton clouds danced praises to their Creator. Two little girls stood on our doorstep. Alicia lived in the...

When I re-organised my home office recently, I stumbled across a snail mail letter sent me 25 years ago. Susan (not her real name) and I met at the Royal United Hospital in Bath, UK way back in 1990. One night, when my new son was just two days old, I awoke to hear the sound of someone crying....

I Get To!


A few months ago, a friend shared with me about multiple stresses in her life and I listened with sympathy. Later, I was reflecting on a truth I've discovered over the years ... about how to bring more joy into my life, especially during stressful seasons. In his book 'Man's search for meaning', Viktor Frankl' says that the only thing that ...



My lovely neighbour Rachel, presented me with a unique kind of Christmas gift - a rectangular white board on which I could create and paste messages. I loved it. The walls of my little writing den are already filled with a plethora of items, so in order to make space for one more, I had to re-arrange them. I...

When we moved house a few years ago, our new abode became our home the moment we stepped in through its doors. And not only that ... we soon made a host of magical discoveries. One of those happy discoveries sat at the far side of our side yard outside our kitchen window - a large resplendent bush...

I was off to the city to have lunch with a friend. But ... oh dear! A few last minute delays meant I had to dash - my bus was due in 5 minutes. Half running, half walking, I rushed onward as fast as my little legs would carry me. As I reached the end of the path, I...

Have you heard the story of The Three Wells? If not, let me share an exciting story. Here goes ...

I love the cold of winter. I relish walking in its bracing air. I love gazing at fresh green carpets of verdant pastures. How invigorating to walk by gurgling streams that play lively springtime melodies. Last Wednesday, I enjoyed a leisurely stroll in one of my favourite walking areas, when my eyes lighted on a feast of yellow, that...

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