All Things Work together for Good


For a number of years, I visited my doctor's surgery every fortnight to receive a B12 injection. Its effects were heartening. Energy. Enough. Enough to live on. Sufficient for the day. Only those who have suffered with a severe lack of energy will understand how much our wellbeing depends on having sufficient energy! I can cope with unbearable pain better than with severe fatigue - at least one can still function with pain. When devoid of energy, I wilt like a drooping flower, thirsting for water, unable to move.

There was a day when I had received my usual B12 injection but a short while afterwards, my doctor called with concerning news. Apparently the nurse had made a mistake! In place of a B12 injection she'd given me a B forte injection. Oops! Now, that was a worry! I thanked him for letting me know and hung up. Would it affect me unfavourably? "Oh Lord, please let this work out for my good." I prayed. "Thank You in advance, Papa!" Now, years later, I recall the sense of wonder and relief that flooded me, when it was proved in due course that my fears were unfounded. My energy levels were in fact better than before and I also didn't suffer any negative effects of receiving the wrong injection. Whew! Thank You God!

All things work together for the good of those who love God. Scripture assures us of this truth. This glorious fact is also portrayed through numerous redemptive stories found in the pages of God's Word. Take the story of Joseph, for instance. Joseph was thrown into a pit by his jealous brothers and subsequently sold to a passing group of traders. Who would have known that this vindictive act of his brothers would be overturned to bring an enormous amount of good - God used it in fact, to save many lives. The story never fails to encourage me.

When Satan means to harm God's children, God, like flipping a pancake over, will turn it right side up. Our part? To trust and obey Him. God's part? To transform it into something that fits into His purposes and also to change us into the likeness of Jesus. I look back on 66 years of a blessed life. Over and over again, I can now understand how He turned bad situations into good ones. It buoys my spirits. I didn't get into University as I'd hoped but … I studied to become a Lab Technician while working in a school laboratory, doing Christian ministry with teenagers. It was a very special part of my journey and God did amazing things that strengthened my faith.

A few years later, I learnt computer programming and thrived – it was such a joy to have a job I loved (like being paid for having a good time!) – among young people who became lifelong friends. When I got married, I hoped for two daughters and one son. God gave me one third of that. Just the one son. But ... what joy this precious son has brought me! Now, I am perfectly content with my small family. And God's also blessed me with spiritual daughters whom I love and cherish.

The Christmas story resonates with the truth of Romans 8:28. A young unmarried pregnant girl is visited by an Angel. A beautiful bonny baby is born, bringing shepherds and wise men to their knees. He was none less than the Son of God! This little baby grew up into a man who turned the world upside down. A cross was his future. But that cross saved our world. Death overturned to Life. Life in all its fullness. Wow!

Dear friend, are the storms of life raging around you? The enemy of our souls loves to entangle us in trials. But Satan is powerless, you know. Really! God holds the winner's Hand in life's deck of cards … for each of us who call ourselves His children. So whatever card you draw today will bring you a winning hand as you trust the Saviour of your life. He knows everything about everything. He is mighty to save and deliver. He is with you even in your darkest hour. He promises to use everything that happens to you to create a beautiful tapestry of your life.

He simply asks us to trust Him as if we were little children and to walk close to Him. He will overturn the hard parts of our stories into blessings as we surrender. So come, dear one. Let's place our small hands in His large One. God's got you. God's got me. He'll work everything out for our eternal good and for His glory as we abandon ourselves to His ways, His truth and His purposes. Yes, all things will work together for good for those who love God. Just as He says! You can count on it!

Therefore we do not lose heart.

Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, 

since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

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