Becoming a Butterfly


When we moved house a few years ago, our new abode became our home the moment we stepped in through its doors. And not only that ... we soon made a host of magical discoveries. One of those happy discoveries sat at the far side of our side yard outside our kitchen window - a large resplendent bush that sprouted gorgeous red geraniums. Their bright beautiful faces abounded most of the year, even in the colder months. I loved watching the blooms, as I delighted in the peaceful view which lay beyond our kitchen window. Mountains, skies, birds, trees, roses. 

And one joyful bush of bright red geraniums.

A few weeks ago, I was shocked to discover that my special bush had been taken over. A sneaky vine had crept up from behind our garden shed to set its sights it. Like a toddler with sticky fingers grabbing hold of another child's toys, its tendrils were all over my bush. I felt very protective of the bush, as if it was my own child who was being mistreated! It was time for a rescue operation. Taking the gardening shears in hand, I attacked the invading vine - pulling it, yanking it away fiercely and cutting off sections of it as needed. It took considerable time and effort but it was a job well done, even if it's I who say so!

Soon, I had a rising pile of green cuttings on one side and one grateful bush on the other. What a relief it was to be able to set my precious flowers free! 

During the last few years, God has been working in my life, just as I had worked on that bush. Six years ago I'd prayed 'Dear Lord, make me a worshipper'! Apparently God took me seriously! (Be careful what you pray for!) Soon, He held a pair of heavenly gardening shears in His Hands, as He began to strip my heart of unwieldy weeds that had crept into it. He cleaned me up bit by bit, from the inside out until my heart was as He intended it to be. 

Not a pain free exercise, I must add. Ouch!

But as I look back on the past few years, I now see growth and change, transformation and new beginnings, God's good fruit was formed in me through tough seasons and difficult moments. It's certainly not what I would have chosen for myself. Allowing the Master Gardener to prune us, is never easy, is it? Allowing Him make me all He has created me to be means that change has to happen. But change can be difficult. Change can bring pain. Change is often unwelcome, an uninvited guest at our door! I had prayed "Give me an undivided heart so that I might fear Your Name!" Psalm 86:11  And so He allowed trials and heartache to assault me, so He could use them in my life for good! My divided heart was being changed until it was transformed into one whole and pure, beating only for my Saviour!

Now, each time my eyes fall on that geranium bush I feel an extra connection with it, because not only was it a favourite, I'd also extended myself to care for it. Is that the way God feels towards us? He gave His life to make me holy and righteous in His sight. And He continues to transform me into the likeness of Christ. 

This journey of life is one of change. At one time, I might be like a caterpillar, fattening myself on barks or twigs, on the ants and grass of a good life. At another time, I am plunged into darkness inside a chrysalis, as God does a deep work within me. The darkness is frightening and painful. Arduous! But one day, I will emerge out of that chrysalis to fly high, with colour-splashed wings, set free to become all God created me to be.

I wonder what your year has brought you? As you look back on the months you've lived through, have you wondered what was going on, during those times that life didn't quite add up? I hope there have been moments of gladness and plenty of good times amidst the challenges? Don't forget ... that although your wings may be damp inside the chrysalis, they won't stay that way forever. You and I will be changed into beautiful butterflies! We will fly higher than you can imagine. So if you too have felt the snipping of our Father's heavenly shears, take heart. 

Good times are ahead. I can feel it. I can hear it. I can smell it. Mmm! 

Let's lay hold of the promises God has given us, clinging tight to the hope we profess. Our God is a faithful God and is working on your case as I speak. You and I are in the best place to be, in the centre of God's perfect will. 

As we trust and obey. And as we rest in Jesus. 

So know this. He is with you, inside that chrysalis. Yes, He is with you. 

All will be well, because the Master is at work and the Master knows what He is doing!

I've dubbed 2023 as my Year of Comeback! 

It's time to make a comeback. Will you join me?

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.        Romans 12:1-2

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.                                                                   To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.  2 Corinthians 3:18

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