Choosing my Focus


One of the blessings I've enjoyed since moving to our present home is having a number of delightful walking areas to explore, just a stone's throw away. My Happy Place is a three minute drive from home. I park at a cul de sac at the end of a quiet street and wend my way down to the lake. My sneakers crunch on the gravel as I wander around the water, the sun shining in my eyes. Birds coo and fly, ducks waddle by or swim lazily in the water. Dappled sunlight creates a silvery sheen on the lake and I whisk out my camera for yet another picture.

When I am lost in my Happy Place, it's easy to lay aside the cares of this world. It's like being on holiday. I stand at the water's edge, enthralled by the beauty around me, songs of worship bubbling up within. I marvel then, knowing that when we chose our home, God had also picked out these walking areas for me because He knew how much I'd delight in them. What a loving Father He is!

Some weeks ago on my birthday, I decided to enjoy a praise walk in my special walking haunt. Cool breezes caressed my hair. Birds sang their sweet songs and nature celebrated. And then I heard it ... the whisper in my heart. It was the still small voice I had come to know and love.

'Your life is like this Happy Place, Nushi!'

'Oh? What do you mean, Papa'

'You could choose to focus on all the beauty in your life.

Or you could choose to gaze at its challenges.'

I have to admit that on some days, it's been a struggle to let go of my anxieties and cares, my worries and concerns. It's only too easy to forget all He that God has done for me. I should be filled with gratitude for answered prayer. Instead I've set my sights on to my next prayer request. I've allowed the challenging parts of my life to bury my blessings underground. 

How silly of me!

The charm of my Happy Place seeped into my soul and filled me, like a morning mist that enhanced the beauty of its surrounds,  At my feet, the path was rough and slippery. There was mud and slime and bird droppings, so I had to keep track of where my feet were! But, the truth is, that if I kept my eyes peeled down all the time, I'd miss all the loveliness around me. Sad to say ... that was exactly what I did ... and all too often. I'd get lost in a forest of cares instead of looking up to be awed by lush foliage of God's goodness and mercy and love. 

My Heavenly Father sends countless blessings into my life every day ... 

but I need to remember to look for them!

"I'm so sorry Lord" I said. A cockatoo screeched and swooped in a beautiful azure sky. A bold breezed laughed and tugged at my hair. The sun smiled at me and warmed me.

"Thank you Papa. For all of it. Yes, all of it. Even the parts I don't understand!"

I decided then where my gaze would rest. I would look up at the face of Jesus, not down at my (often perceived) problems. I'd embrace each challenge, so it would become a stepping stone to His love. It's only as I trust God fully that He is able to change me. It's only when I learn to thank God in all things that I allow His Holy Spirit transform my wayward heart.

2020 has been a challenging year hasn't it? But ... let's not allow the enemy steal our joy!

So which shall I choose today?

The cares of this world or ... the Gift of His Son?

Doubts and despair or ... the living Hope He came to give us?

Moments of unease or ... the joy of His presence?

Wishing you a beautiful season filled with wonder and joy as we look ahead to the miracle of Christmas. Nothing, no nothing can dim the glad hope of Immanuel. God with us.

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith." Hebrews 12:2

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6

"Because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven, to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace." Luke 2:78-79

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