His Gifts are Tied with a Bow!


The new home we moved into five years ago has been for us a slice of paradise. We'd had to endure many challenging, exhausting months in the moving process, so when God showed up big time, performing miracle after miracle to bring us into our promised land, it was evident that it was a loving gift from Him. In fact, since we moved, I feel like I'm on perpetual holiday - enchanting views beckon from every side and with a home that is perfect for my family, I continue to sip the delicious drink of a Father's blessing.

I must add though, that all too often, God does not answer my prayers in a way I hope, as He did then. But sometimes, just sometimes, He stuns me with extravagant grace that leaves me gasping, wide-eyed in wonder, awe and praise. Every morning, as I reflect on His gift of our home, I see in my mind's eye God presenting us with a large gift, that's tied with a beautiful multi-coloured bow. And oh how my heart warms in love for Him! Not just because He's a Giver of good gifts. But because of who He is! Almighty. Good. Wise. Love. Immanuel. Jesus.

A few weeks ago, a light got switched on within me about yet another gift, an awe-inspiring gift, one He lavishes on every person living on the planet. I'm talking of the gift of His marvelous Creation. God has fashioned such variety in nature for us to enjoy - jaunty joyful butterflies and chubby grubby worms, vast ocean depths with all its creatures, ten thousand species of birds, hilly crags and peaks and snow-capped mountains, deep rivers and blue seas, gurgling streams and rushing waterfalls, vast sandy deserts and lush green valleys, flowers of every brilliant hue, four legged creatures to befriend and enjoy ... and of course, people, lots of them – over 8 billion of them at present – even you and me!

I visualise God creating the wonder of this world, wrapping it all in a huge package and handing it to us with a smile 'Enjoy them all, dear children! It's my gift to you!' How sad that we often don't even notice all that He lavishes on us, let alone stop to thank Him. As I thought about it some more, I was startled to realise that in fact everything is a gift. Of course I'd known it in my head before - now I had heart knowledge of it. What a precious truth to finally understand! The people in my world are God's good gifts to me as well – my husband, my son, my extended clan, my friends, church family, my community – many who bless me and fill my cup! And even those who for whatever reason are not as easy to live with … they too are gifts from a wise Father. They keep me humble, cause me to grow in Christlikeness and teach me lessons I would not learn otherwise!

Circumstances that are cheery and good are ones we remember to thank God for. But what about adversity? Isn't Adversity one of our best teachers? Scripture assures us that God will use everything that occurs to us for good. Everything. Together. And so … even the hard times and excruciating circumstances we endure, even they are gifts from a loving Father's Hand.

Why do I say His gifts are tied with a bow? Well, some of God's gifts (what He brings and what He allows), are packaged in unusual wrapping paper. The description written on the side of each package are words like 'A Challenging Season' or 'Illness' or 'Misunderstandings' or 'An Accident' or "Distressing Circumstances" or "Difficult people" or "A Time you endure rather than enjoy". Contents may be bewildering, like opening a pretty package but finding it full of nails and wires, sand and old shoes. It's only when we untie the bow, open it and live it out, that we discover for ourselves in due course that what Satan plans to harm us, God will overturn for good.

And so the challenge to us is always to be thankful. To trust a loving Father. To surrender to His ways. To grow. To suffer if we are called to it. To be stretched in ways that bring discomfort or pain. And still be grateful. To shine our Father's love to the world. 

What kind of gift has He brought into your life this season, dear friend? If it's one that brings joy to your heart, I rejoice with you! But if it's one you need to endure with grace and perseverance, I do realise how hard it can be! I know life can bring surprising moments and seasons, ones that bring tears, hardship, pain and suffering. I've been there. I've opened unfamiliar gift boxes from His Hands and my heart has been perplexed.

But the good news is that the more challenging the gift, the better. Yes! Apart from transforming us to be less self-centred and more like Jesus, it also sends us running into the arms of a loving Father. And then … we find the biggest gift of all – God Himself. Intimacy with our Saviour is a gift that will replace all others. One to be sought after. And so dear one, I ask the Father that His gifts to you this season will bring peace and joy to your heart and a closer walk with Him. May you discover that everything – yes everything is a gift, when we walk with Him. And may you know with all your being that the best gift of all is JESUS!

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—

how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,

who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15

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