I Believe in Muscles!


My husband and I love browsing in second hand bookshops where we usually find a few stimulating books to bring home with us. Some months ago, we popped into yet another second hand bookshop where I picked up three or four books that I added to our collection. One of them was by Kathryn Kuhlman - 'Nothing is Impossible with God'. In it she shares heart warming stories of those who'd been at death's door, well beyond medical help, when they were miraculously healed by Jesus.

I loved dipping into a fresh story each night before bed and it ignited my faith in powerful ways. Jesus healed all who came to Him in Biblical times. And He still heals today. The other day I was keying in the title of a different book by the same author. I typed: 'I Believe In Miracles'. 

But when I looked at what I had keyed in, I started to laugh and couldn't stop. 

This is what it said: 'I believe in Muscles'



I believe in Muscles! That's what it said! 

Go on and have a belly laugh! I did!

I do believe in muscles too, by the way. Have you had a look at my biceps? Oh dear! You're right! There's nothing there! I have a good excuse of course - exercise unfortunately isn't my body's best friend - it leads to severe fatigue usually. Not something I am happy about, I have to add. But back to those home grown muscles. How proud I am of my beloved - whose muscles often come to my aid - he is at hand to twist the lid of a bottle I find hard to open. He uses his powerful arms to clean our home. His muscles make our garden a place of beauty. Yes, how grateful I am for my strong man! I do believe in muscles. 

I admire Shan's commitment to exercise and good health. I know that his well-maintained physique came through discipline and hard work. Likewise, God has opened my eyes often to my own need to grow spiritual muscles. In the first few decades of my walk with God, I looked upon toiling for the Kingdom as the number one requirement in my walk with God. But as I matured ... I learnt that being is even more important than doing. We are human beings after all - not human doings! Dallas Willard taught a profound truth - that what you and I need to aspire to, is not just to do the right thing but to become a person who automatically does the right thing in every circumstance.

I have been learning much about the spiritual life as I've studied the teaching of wise godly men like Dallas Willard and Richard Foster. They have directed me into the glorious sphere of a 'With-God life' - aspiring to experience God's presence constantly and to seek to become like Jesus. The study of how to grow in grace and in God's ways is akin to a serendipitous discovery when I turn a bend in my road, catching my breath in wonder, eyes wide as I take in the stunning views before me ... lush green countryside, tall eucalyptus trees swaying in the breeze, and a gurgling brook rushing by. It helps me hope that one beautiful day, I too will grow sufficient character muscles so that goodness flows out of me effortlessly and all of the time, even when the thunder roars and the lightning strikes!

How are your character muscles doing these days? Have they had a workout of late? I'm learning that spiritual formation is not something that happens without effort. My character muscles mature through the spiritual disciplines I practice diligently over many years but also as I make conscious decisions over and over again, choosing character over convenience and God's way over my own. 

Grace first brings me to Jesus. And then ... His grace is the fuel that helps me grow. 

It's an attainment of a lifetime of being a disciple of Jesus - but what a worthwhile achievement to aspire to!

Don't forget that we have access to God's own muscles. He is big. He is powerful! Actually ... the word big doesn't even touch it. God is vast. Enormous. Bigger than anything your mind can conjure. He's majestic. Holy. Righteous. Just. Good. Mighty. Able to do anything. And everything.

I believe in God's muscles.

I believe in God's miracles too.

The great and mighty God who created the world and everyone in it, is active today. His Hands shaped you in your mother's womb. His Hands are strong. They're also gentle. His Hands will hold you when life's storms rage. His arms are sure, a loving mother's embrace and a beloved Dad's warm bear hug. Run to Him today. He waits for you.

Let's keep growing faith muscles as well as our characters. And let's keep trusting God for the times when we need the power and strength of a loving God! He is able. He will do it. Let's look to Him.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

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