Relationship Matters, Relationships Matter!


When I re-organised my home office recently, I stumbled across a snail mail letter sent me 25 years ago. Susan (not her real name) and I met at the Royal United Hospital in Bath, UK way back in 1990. One night, when my new son was just two days old, I awoke to hear the sound of someone crying. It was 3 a.m. She was obviously in deep distress - I knew I had to help. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, got out of bed, lifted my little son from his crib and onto my shoulder, then quietly padded to where she lay. Susan was in severe pain after a difficult delivery. I sat by this brave young lady, doing my best to comfort her, praying that her pain and suffering would ease.

That night a new friendship was born. And as the weeks went by, Susan and I visited each other with our little ones and got to know each other better. I believe my son taught her little girl to crawl – I've a picture of the two babies, 7 months old, on their hands and knees, racing each other. Very cute! All too soon, my family left the UK and returned to Sri Lanka. My new friend and I corresponded for a number of years, but then as it often happens, we lost touch. When I re-read her letter, it brought back a host of happy memories. I ran to my computer and typed her name into Facebook and was delighted to find her profile. I sent Susan a friend request with a brief message. How thrilling to get a response back! It's been great to reconnect with her and to catch up afresh after these many years.

Relationships! Relationships are what makes life worth living, don't you think? Our relationship with our Heavenly Father is our most important one of course, but we can't love God as we ought, unless we love those around us. Jesus asks us to lay up treasure in heaven. Love is the greatest treasure and so the love we give others here on earth will surely be part of our life in eternity! Relationships in Christ will last forever. One day not long ago, I had a tough day, so wrote to a few close friends. They responded at once and promised to pray for me. An incredible peace washed over my anxiety all day, like a soft blanket on a cold day, warming me. How grateful I am for praying friends!

Good relationships feed our souls in tough times – they are a feast in times of famine. They are like a drink of ice cold water that revives our parched lips on a hot summer's day. They are the sails that move the ships of our lives across turbulent waters into peaceful harbour. I've been re-reading the story of the escape of God's people from bondage to their promised land. Exodus 18 shares with us an account of Jethro, Moses' father in law's visit. The fact that he cared enough to come and encourage and bless his son-in-law in the difficult task God called him to, spoke volumes to me. 

And there was more. Jethro asked Moses to choose godly people to act as judges so that Moses wouldn't get worn out caring for so many. It was excellent advice that Moses readily heeded and his life was the better for it. It reminded me that you and I too need family and friends to speak into our lives from time to time and to help us on life's journey.

Every one of us in the body of Christ is needed. Without exception. You too my friend. You too. In the last few years, as I have sought to love others as Christ loves me, there are unfortunately a few situations when I have been misunderstood by friends, despite a heart that sought only to bless them. Did I fail? Yes. But that's OK. My failures keep me humble. A rich blessing! And I can learn to do better next time. Besides … relationships are complicated. At times, what another hears is not what we say – but their altered perception of it, triggered through their own life experiences. Yes, relationships are complex! Only God gets it right every single time! But let's not give up. 

Here are a few questions I can ask of myself every day:

1. Whom can I reach out to today?

2. Is there someone who needs my help?

3. Who needs a word of encouragement?

4. Is there someone I need to reconcile with?

5. Is there a friend who needs an letter, email or text to brighten their day?

6. Is there someone who needs a listening ear?

7. Is there someone I need to forgive?

Dear friend, I bless you today with the love of Jesus. You matter. To God, to me, to this world. Keep being you! Keep those relationships blooming. In the end, they are what matter most, aren't they? May the presence of Jesus be your strength and your song, your bread and your butter, your feast and your wine. 

May His love continue to flow through you and to the world around you.

Keep shining, dear friend.

The world needs YOU!

"Above all, love each other deeply for love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8

"The entire law is fulfilled in a single decree: "Love your neighbour as yourself." Galatians 5:14

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

"Dear Lord, open my heart,

that I may release what I have loved,

and so receive your love for me,

love you more deeply,

and truly love others." Greg Paul

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