

My lovely neighbour Rachel, presented me with a unique kind of Christmas gift - a rectangular white board on which I could create and paste messages. I loved it. The walls of my little writing den are already filled with a plethora of items, so in order to make space for one more,  I had to re-arrange them. I asked my beloved if he could fix a nail on the wall behind where I sat and he obliged me right-away! I moved the picture that my new board had replaced, into a spot behind me. But after I hung it, it didn't look right. The wall was way too cluttered! Oh dear!

The problem when I removed the picture though, was that that poor little nail looked lonely, so I had to do something about it. I finally found a tiny picture of the world and hung it there. Viola! Like the tinkling sound of a fairy's bell, a brilliant idea jingled in my mind. I'd make that little map a prompt that would take my thoughts away from "me and my petty little concerns" and transfer my gaze outwards. 

To reach out to others! 

To pray for those in need. 

To intercede for our troubled world.

The last few years have been rough for most of us, haven't they? Too often, I've had to turn inward in order to deal with challenges and concerns. I was tired of doing that, but what's a girl to do? Sometimes, one has to press the pause button on life, while you attend to pressing needs, so you can heal. But now ... enough was enough. I've dubbed 2023 as My Year of comeback. After several years of struggle (and hopefully some soul growth too), It will be a year when my focus will widen, as I am able to engage more in bringing God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Now, as I sit here typing, I look up and read a word I've pasted on my desk: 'Remember'. What does it refer to? Ah! Good question! I've lived for ages, so I've had ample opportunities to experience the faithfulness of God. During perplexing seasons, He's nudged my heart to look back with thanksgiving and remember all He's done for me. Like a steaming cuppa that energises me, remembering is a powerful way of topping up my courage tank with which I can fight my current battles. It works in tandem with the picture of the world. They are two sides of the same coin.

When I remember that God brought me through numerous tough seasons, I know He will do it again. I reflect on His grace. I realise afresh that He's blessed me far more than I deserve. That He is for me and not against me. That He is with me. I realise when viewing life through God lenses rather than my own, that life is good. He fills me then with His hope and His strength. I glance behind me at the little picture of the world and smile. I nod at God!

Remember! It's not all about me. Remember others. Remember to pray for family and friends. 

Remember those who need me. Remember to reach out. Remember to love extravagantly.

How are you doing today, dear friend? I do hope your New Year has brought you hope for better days! I pray that 2023 will be a fantastic year for you! That His peace will fill your heart, even if tears roll down your cheeks sometimes or fear knocks on your door. I pray that God would bring to mind who He is and all He's done for you, so you are strong and courageous, ready to face the unknown! I pray that in the days ahead, His goodness and love will permeate your life, like soft waves covering the seashore. 

I pray that you and I will focus on our blessings, not on our challenges, 

on His faithfulness rather than our hardships, 

on all His promises, instead of what we have lost!

Let's Remember ...

That we walk by faith and not by sight.

That Jesus is in control and that He does all things well

That eye has not seen nor ear has heard all that God has prepared for those who love Him!

Let's remember to love, to give, to hope, to bless, to build.

Let's remember to fan each other's faith as we live for His glory.

Let's remember to focus on what matters most; loving God and loving others.

Let's remember to shine for Jesus in this New Year that has dawned!

I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds." Psalm 77:11-12

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

Hebrews 10:23-24

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