The Pinnacle of God's Creation!


Each winter, being too cold to sit outdoors, I've had to find a different way to sip nature's cup of loveliness. How fortunate we are these days, to be able revel in the beauty of far flung places from the comfort of our own homes. I've been transported to picturesque lands and exotic surrounds, as I enjoy daily communion with the King of kings, in my little den, but also in nature's splendour. Colour-splashed birds and buzzing bees, towering trees and rushing rivers, misty mountains and grassy green plains on my computer screen dazzle my eyes and transport me to my Happy Place in an instant.

Recently, I was soaking in a stunning nature scene and worshipping my Creator, when all at once, God whispered soft words into my heart. 'Dear daughter, I'm glad you enjoy my creation. But remember this. The pinnacle of my creation is not what you see here!' And then … as I continued to worship Him by joining other voices on my computer, I knew in an instant what He meant. A young woman sang praises to our Father - her chubby infant cooing in her arms, as her husband gazed at them both tenderly. My eyes began to fill with tears and I felt a surge of love towards this family!

The pinnacle of God's creation, dear friend, is YOU!

Did you know that?

Yes, you and I, us human beings – are what His creation is all about.

All else He created are the backdrop that He created for us to enjoy! 

Just wow!

"So God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them. Then God blessed them …

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!" Genesis 1:27-28,31

Isn't that heart-warming? 

This August, there are lots of God's creations to celebrate. 

On August 2nd my sister in law's family organised a surprise party for her – and the three of us flew to Sydney to join in the fun. A truly magnificent surprise it was too – and a thrill to witness her joy! 80 years young and still as active and vibrant as if she was just 21. Amazing! She has lived out her faith so well, trusting Jesus through good times and bad, caring for many, with a warm heart of hospitality that overflowed. My eyes were teary as her husband, daughter and son shared their memories of a truly loving wife and Mum. 

A great night and a God breathed life! Thank you Swen Acca! Happy 80th Birthday to YOU!

My beloved sis Sal also celebrates a very special birthday at the end of the month. 70 years young! Three score years and Ten - the biblical lifespan. Thanking God so much for another amazing woman of God who has given of herself unstintingly to others and to God and His kingdom over and over again. 

Sal is 3 years older than I, so we grew up side by side – with plenty of little girl fights along the way but also lots of togetherness, giggles and sisterly love. Fifty years ago, we both met Jesus - and our lives were transformed. 50 golden years of being sisters in Christ - I am deeply blessed by her! 

I'm so grateful for the precious, godly role model she has been to me! Thank You God!

When my son was 10 years old, he celebrated what he called his conception birthday which fell on August 11th 1989! 35 years ago now! 

He was especially happy that his parents love for one another had conceived him. 

Talking of love, my beloved and I celebrated a very special anniversary on Friday, August 9th. It was the 40th birthday of us becoming a couple – the day Shan proposed to me. 

A God of love brought us together and sealed our love. How grateful I am for these 40 years, not without the challenges life brings to each one of us, but also filled with plenty of love and laughter and joy. 

How grateful I am to God for the gift of my beloved!

So … why are we more important than the rest of creation? The answer is simple, isn't it? It's because we are made in the image of God. Not just clumps of clay that sit around waiting to be admired, but living breathing human beings who are called to live and love like our Maker. God created us to love Him and glorify Him forever! We are all part of the story of God. What an honour! Thank You Jesus!

And so dear friend, today I want to remind you that YOU (yes, YOU) are the pinnacle of God's creation. You are cherished and valued and loved beyond measure by the Author of the Universe – the One who flung stars into space and still paints brilliant sunsets. He made just ONE of you in the entire cosmos. A complete original!

Did you know you are unique? 

Did you know that you have added to the world as no one else in all of history has done? 

Did you know that the God who created you, formed you with a great purpose and plan? 

Did you know that we need you – the rest of us – to complete the body of Christ?

May you know deep within you that He, Jesus, who holds all things together, holds you in the palm of His Hand. May His smile and His peace rest on you today. May you know that no matter what life throws your way, those who walk with Him are always conquerors through Jesus who loves us.

"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Luke 12:7

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,

as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10

"But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my

power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." Exodus 9:16

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