The Real Enemy
On the 2nd of March 2018, the three of us had the joy of moving into our present home. The process of getting here was a long winding road, filled with potholes and detours. Not one I'd recommend. Selling our then home had been a very wearying task. Buying this one was even more challenging. Usually, an agent in charge of selling properties pursue potential buyers with the ardour of an infatuated lover. But strangely, the agent in charge of this abode did everything possible to discourage us.
God impressed this house in my heart as I saw it on the Internet and He continued to make it clear that this was THE home He had handpicked for us. He went on to prove it in umpteen ways. But getting here was no picnic. It seemed like someone was determined to stop us. I had to remind myself that the agent was not our enemy - the Real Enemy was of course Satan. He loves to sabotage all of God's plans for His world. And so, the voyage of getting here was one of great trials and discouragement but coupled too with miracle after miracle until we one glorious day we entered our promised land. The enemy tried hard to stop us, but God prevailed. Whew! I've been breathing in the beauty around us ever since, with a glad and thankful heart!
I'd expected to be a little homesick for our previous home which I'd loved and lived in for 17 years, but the instant we walked in here, my beloved and I felt at home. It was wonderful … like wearing a comfortable silk outfit that fitted me perfectly. Six years later, I can testify that I still thank God multiple times a day for bringing us here. It's been a dream home in every conceivable way, right from having my own little den where I worship Jesus, chatter to Him and do my writing in, to the enchanting view of the hills from my kitchen window. Thank You Father. Thank You so very much!
C.S. Lewis, in 'The Screwtape Letters" made an important observation. He said that there are two equal and opposite errors we make regarding the devil. One is that we disregard him, not realising the damage he causes. The other is that we are too engrossed in him. He is right of course! As believers, we need to be on our guard against the enemy of our souls and to know him well enough so we can take our stand against him. But too much interest in him is also unhealthy and unhelpful.
Many years ago, I faced a situation with a friend that was tremendously challenging and difficult to cope with. When things got bad and I tended to view my friend as an adversary, God reminded me who my real enemy was. It helped so much! So now, whenever an issue of contention arises in a relationship, I remind myself who the Real Enemy is. The Bible tells us that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. I've seen the damage he has inflicted in our world today, in my life and in those I care about. Satan is the Master of lies and deception. He knows our weaknesses and preys on them. He is bad news. Very bad news! But … take heart dear friend! We know that Satan has already lost the war!
He might try to win the smaller battles but we have the Holy Spirit with us. If God is for us, who can be against us? Perhaps you face a tough circumstance that seems to be spiralling out of control? Perhaps your enemy seems to be a co-worker who frustrates you, your boss who tries to control you or your child who resists you? Perhaps you have been anxious and upset about a situation that is hard to maneuver through? Don't forget who your Real Enemy is. Let's fight the Real Enemy!
I am grateful that we have armour supplied by our Almighty, All Powerful God with which to fight with. Let's wear it daily so we can fight well, win and keep standing. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full Armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:10-13
We have also been given His authority to exert when needed. "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." JESUS – Luke 10:19 The weapons we use may seem weak and powerless against the world's ammunition, but a spiritual battle is won with spiritual arsenal. We have Praise, Trust, Prayer, Truth, Faith, Love, Courage, Hope, Perseverance, all of which are all strong to deliver us from the devil's schemes. We have God's promises from His Word to stand on, a sure foundation that will never crumble. We have God with us – more powerful than the strongest Enemy.
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
So let's be ready to fight when we have to, our helmet of salvation in place, the belt of truth around our waists, the sword of the Spirit in our right hand, the shield of faith in the left, the breastplate of righteousness covering our hearts, shoes of the gospel of peace on our feet and God Himself behind us, within us, around us. And let's keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith who leads us always, always, always through every fierce battle into His victory! Hallelujah!
"I have set the Lord before me.
Because He is at my Right Hand,
I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8