The Way of Blessing


Atishshoo! Atishshoo! Sneezes, a blocked nose, a tickle in my throat. I grab a few tissues. Oh dear! Was it a cold? Or … hay fever? The next morning I was so relieved to find I'd been sneeze-free all night! It must have been hayfever after all. My husband had sent Rocky (our little robot vacuum cleaner) to perform his his weekly clean-up of my study carpet only the day before, so my carpet was dust free. But ... it had been awhile since I'd done a clean-up of my desks and bookcases. So I spent an hour or more wiping down every spare inch in my little study with a wet wipe or two (or three) in hand. Not an easy job because of the various items that filled it– photographs, glasses, books, pens, cards, ornaments! Call it clutter! (Psst … it's happy clutter!) Finally … the job was done.

But … my sneezes re-started when I spent time in my den. So my grand clean-up hadn't solved the issue! In that case, the culprit had to be my curtains! I found that the lace curtains were in fact, torn. Oops! No doubt there were bits of it floating around. I plugged in our Air Purifier in my den. As cool fresh air replaced the air inside, my nose settled! Thank You God! And my beloved came to my rescue. He pulled down and threw away the torn lace curtains. Together, we washed my long green curtains dried them, then put them back in their rightful place. Viola! No more sneezes. No more hay fever. My room was as good as new! Yay! Thank you Shan!

Have you been attacked? Not by sneezes. But by the suddenness of life's trials? The Enemy of our souls often comes rushing into our ordered existence–bringing chaos in varied forms while we scratch our heads in bewilderment! Troubled relationships, physical pain, sickness, problems to solve, financial crises, heartache, suffering. The Word of God assures us believers that God's Hand of love, goodness and blessing will be upon us all through our lives. But it is also true that suffering is real. In fact – the way to blessing is often through fiery trials.

Blessed are those who mourn … for they will be comforted. Matt 5:4

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matt 5:6

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, 

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Matthew 5:10

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil 

against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven." Matt 5:11-12

Mourning is not a blessed state to be in. But we are blessed when in our grief we run to Jesus and find comfort in the arms our Saviour. Hungering and thirsting after righteousness means resisting sin and following hard after God. It comes at a personal cost! A friend who was dieting told me that 'Nothing tastes good as skinny feels' and she is right. In the same way, I can attest to the truth that 'No sin tastes as good as righteousness feels!'

Being persecuted on earth is no fun way to live! But eternity will be even more precious because of it. Being falsely condemned is deeply painful. But we can rejoice and be glad – we have good things awaiting us in our Father's House. Often the thrill in our walk with God is not being offered a free serving of joy, like being given a slice of delicious cake at a birthday party. No – true joy comes with a price tag. It often arises from the hard-won blessings bought through suffering and perseverance. 

In fact, sometimes, when life is peaceful and you are firmly entrenched in the will of God, doing what God asked you to do – Jesus comes to you and says … "Come, dear child. Get into this boat with me." But after you are in his boat, a squall arrives! A big one. Obedience to Jesus doesn't make you escape it! On the contrary He leads you into it. Just like the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness – not to give Him a quiet peaceful time relaxing but to suffer with temptation and hunger at the tempter's hands. 

Because of course, as you know, that's how our faith muscles are built. 

That's how we learn what kingdom living is all about!

That's how our characters are grown and we are made ready for serving Him!

How encouraging it is to know that just like I had my beloved to call on to help me, you and I have our Eternal Beloved to call upon. Any time. Any day. Any moment. And just as I used my Air Purifier to cleanse the air in my den, we have the soothing presence of Jesus to help us. His cleansing pours over our hearts and in exchange for our weakness He gives to us His hope. His strength. His joy. His peace. 

The way of blessing. 

Not out or under or over. 

Not around obstacles. 

But through. 

Dear friend, how are you today? I pray that our Father will lead You into His very best for you! So come. Be bold. Walk through that valley of difficulty. Our journey can sometimes be painful and difficult! Even perplexing. But good things await all who seek Him. And as you trust and obey, the way of blessing surely unfolds. At the end of the valley you will find the way up into the mountain top. 

Where His smile beckons you. 

Where His arms will enfold you. 

And His peace will fill you! 

That is the Way of true Blessing.

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.  Matthew 5:8

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