Together is the Nicest Place to Be


I stare at the blank page on my screen. Two more days before the New Year dawns. I am tired. I blink a few times and stifle a yawn. I sift through the piles of my ideas and thoughts and imagination, like looking for gold in a mountain of sand, but sadly, no gleaming nuggets of inspiration are found. I'd wanted to write a blog for New Year's day but the day is drawing near and I have nothing to offer.

And then … it hits me. With a rush of joy, I recall the previous night. What a wonderful time we shared! Six friends. And Jesus. Delicious food and cosy fellowship. Sharing. Prayer. Being heard. Understood. Knowing afresh that we do not travel alone. This past year, it has been a great joy and privilege to do life in a new church. I've had a sense of spiritual richness as I've worshipped at Living Faith. I've loved that God is exalted and that Jesus Christ is at the centre of our worship.

I've loved getting to know my new church family and I've been blessed by their warmth and friendliness. Being part of a Bible study has been a welcome addition to my routine. And oh! How I've looked forward to our Friday nights. We've been held spellbound by the exploits of the kings of old as we have dug deep into the scriptures, led by our gifted Bible teacher friend Mel. We've learnt much. Of God and His ways. And found depth and more meaning in our walk with God.

And so it was, that during this special season, one of our beautiful ladies opened her beautiful home to us for a shared meal. Six of us were free to join in and it was a great time. Delicious salads, yummy pizza, warm sausage rolls, chicken, baby quiches, savoury nibbles and more. Fresh fruit. Mmmm! A mouth-watering chocolate flan that was the highlight of my repast. Plenty of fun and laughter and conversation. But what I enjoyed most, was the sharing of ourselves. The retelling of truth to each other. That God is good and can be trusted. That we may fail but He never does.

I came away with a renewed sense of the knowledge that I do not do life alone. That my struggles are not unique. It helped so much! And so … like drinking a life giving cup of coffee at the start of the day, this truth imbibes me with needed strength at the start of a New Year. I know 2023 has been a hard year, the world over. Wars. Poverty. Unrest. Illness. Loss of loved ones. Strife. I've no doubt that you my friend, who read my blog today may have also faced uncertainty along the way, heart ache, challenges in relationships, tough circumstances, illness and many unexpected detours.

But here's good news. Great News, in fact! The Word of God is true. Jesus is Immanuel. God with us. The Babe of Bethlehem came down to earth to reconcile us to The Father. And not only that. By bringing us into right relationship with Him, He's also given us brothers and sisters in Christ to do life with. How refreshing! We are never alone. I am very grateful to family and friends who have been there for me in 2023, who have prayed for me, listened to me, supported me, comforted me and blessed me this past year. Thank you to each one of you! You have brought warmth to my heart.

And how are YOU doing, dear friend? If you are being tossed around by life's choppy seas, be assured that there are others in the boat with you. And Jesus. Yes, you are not alone. Even when you feel you are. God's placed you in a family of believers. Together we can make it. We don't know what the New Year will bring. But we do know Who goes before us. His love is like the ocean, deep and wide. His presence is a given, no matter what. His hope shines bright in the darkest night, like the stars that we see shimmering like jewels, when no moon lights the sky.

Reach up and gaze into the face of Jesus. Reach out and hold the hand of a friend or a stranger. Life was created to be lived in community. Let's hold each other up when needed – laugh together, cry together, do life together. The journey is better with a friend … or two. Or three. Here's to family and friends. Like the sand on the shore … so are God's thoughts toward us. Like the sand on the shore – so is the family of God – all who call ourselves children of the Living God. Hundreds and thousands and millions of us from all generations and nations bound by One Spirit and the love of Jesus. Wow!

And so … do not forget, dear reader! He's got you. And the family of God has got you too! May 2024 be a remarkable Year, rich with our Father's presence, connected to family and friends and reaching the world for Jesus with His message of grace and truth, love and LIFE.

Together is the Nicest place to be!

So come! Let's do life together. Are you ready?

"A Friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

"For where two or three gather in my Name, there I am in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20

"In Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." Rom 12:5

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 5:12

A Joyful and Blessed New Year to YOU!

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