Two Parallel Train Tracks


It had been a tough week. But also a good one. One day brought me bad news. But the next day brought me good news. Like an owl contemplating life on a cold dark night, I furrowed my brow in deep reflection and finally came to a conclusion. Life's surely a journey that takes us through varying countryside. Some of it is green and lush, bragging of springtime. Another part of the journey is through bleak winter and rough terrain. Two parallel train tracks they are. The train dips in and out of each, and strangely often at the same time!

On Monday, I'd had news that had made my eyes grow wide and my insides churn like a dryer at high speed, tossing the clothes around in a frenzy. News that caused me to spend many hours on my knees in prayer. It would be a bad week, I was sure. But then … Tuesday happened and I had one of the best days ever. It was an amazing experience of God's perfect peace - a soft shawl around my shoulders. It was in fact was one of the few times when my body behaved as it should with sufficient energy to do my grocery shopping. At least for a few hours.

Afterwards I crashed, but the 3 or 4 hours of peace and energy made it an epic kind of experience, one I will never forget. Best of all, I was singing all day long … as the Holy Spirit kept causing a myriad joyful songs to keep bubbling up on my lips. It was in fact one of those rare days when I prayed continually. On Wednesday my body protested again … as pain and fatigue took residence and the sense of peace I'd enjoyed seemed to have retreated like the waves on the seashore receding during low tide.

But then … Thursday was different again. I took a chapel service at a Retirement village and loved ministering to those present – about 20 residents – some with walkers, some brought on moveable beds, others active and mobile. God was very present. He over-wrote my plans to share one message and led me to another. I spoke about the love of God. He undertook even for the music – forgetting to include a particular hymn turned out to be the best action after all. Amazing! Yes, the Holy Spirit was present and active.

Afterwards I was chatting with the residents when I walked up to a sweet little lady I will call Faith! Faith was new to the place – just 3 weeks in. In spite of the big change to her circumstances and missing her own home, she was brave and cheerful, a smile playing on her lips. She said that she wouldn't leave the Retirement home until she was taken out in a box. I assured her that for those who have Jesus in their hearts – we have something different to look forward to when we die. That heaven is our destination - our forever home. She was interested. 

Very interested.

"Really?" Her eyes opened wide and she gazed at me, surprised.

"Really!" I nodded, then smiled at her. Faith cocked her head slightly to a side to listen and I shared more of the gospel with her. She listened intently as I told her she could ask Jesus then and there to come into her heart and to give her a brand new life. I told her that she could ask Jesus to forgive her all her sins and to become her Lord and Saviour. She nodded. Yes! The Holy Spirit was at work and I could but marvel and give thanks. And so we prayed together, as we invited the Lord of lords and the King of kings to take residence in her heart.

Another volunteer came over and I shared the good news with her – and she too prayed with Faith, rejoicing together, declaring that God was with her. I suggested to Faith that she start reading the gospel of John and she readily agreed! Oh the joy of seeing a lamb of the Shepherd being found by Him. It was turning out to be a very good week after all! Two parallel tracks – one of anxiety. The other of joy. But when true Joy comes, it has the power to overwrite the anxiety. What a blessing then to live on the sunny side of life, focusing on the good.

Dear Friend, I don't know what struggles you are facing today. I do know that life is unpredictable, - a road with numerous pot holes we need to avoid, so we can persevere and  stay on track. And yet – in the midst of life's challenges, God brings us rich blessings each day, if we only had eyes to see. Two parallel train tracks. I could focus on the wintry landscape or set my eyes on the joys of spring. The choice is mine. Oh to have a faith which has grown happy feet that will dance merrily to the melody of God's promises, well before they are fulfilled.

It's easy to get sucked into a whirlpool of the bad, down below where the enemy lurks and thus to miss looking up into God's fountain of grace where we can enjoy the refreshing spray of His love. With eyes of faith, let's view the world God's way, where we know that we know that we know, that in God's time, our adverse circumstances will be transformed to create a masterpiece of beauty. For His glory! So hang in there, dear friend. Let's defeat the prince of the power of the air. We who walk with Jesus, walk with the Prince of Peace. His ways are good. And for those who love Him, the blessings we enjoy here on earth are but a minute foretaste of infinite joys to come.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Psalm 23:4

You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies. Psalm 23:5

You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows. Psalm 23:5

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