Two ways of Loving!


At the start of the year, our church had a special time of fasting and prayer. For three Wednesdays in a row, we'd meet at 7 a.m, 12 noon or 7 p.m. (at a time best suited for each attendee) to participate in a time of worship and intercession. I really enjoyed being part of it the previous year, so was looking forward very much to our Prayer sessions. But since it was the height summer, I hoped that the warm weather would not knock me over, like a bouncy dog in full stride and prevent me from attending!

"Lord, please let the temperatures be less than 30 degrees, so I can attend the prayer meetings", I asked Him. Miraculously, every Wednesday brought mild temperatures – 23, 25 and 27 degrees! Amazing! "Thank You Jesus! Thank You" I whispered. What a gracious and loving God He is!

A month later, Adelaide boasted sweltering temperatures. Not 30 degrees but closer to 40! Arrrrgh! I usually get zapped in such high temps and find it hard to function. It was very bad news! There were a series of important functions on, so I prayed again, hoping for a reprieve. However … God's answer in this situation was the reverse! His gentle loving voice whispered, 'My grace is sufficient for you, dear child – for my power is made perfect in your weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

And so the greater miracle occurred. This time I was not mollycoddled by my Heavenly Father with the temperatures that I yearned for! However, He gave me the ability to keep going despite being knocked around in 40 degree heat! I was exhausted. But miracle of miracles. I managed to attend all the events and am still alive a few months later, to tell you all about it! How amazing is that!

God always answers prayer. But as you and I discover all too often, His ways are not our ways. His responses are not what we, with our minute earthly perspectives hope for! Sometimes He blesses us with an easy life. At other times He makes it known, with a twinkle in His Heavenly eye "It's time for some stretching dear daughter! Are you ready? " Good parents do not always give their children everything they desire. Good parents know that NO is often the right answer. They discipline us for our good. Sometimes God says to me: "Let's teach you reliance on me. Let's build strength into your faith muscles by giving you fresh challenges that will refine you!"

Some weeks ago, I had to make a few trips out on a wet cold wintry kinda day. It was as if God was playing games with me. The skies were dry until I got into my car. But as soon as I did, the rain pelted down thick and fast. Despite using an umbrella when I stepped out – I got sopping wet, trying vainly to close a disobedient umbrella in pouring rain. I reached home – stripped off my wet clothes and dressed again to go out. It was dry … until I got into my car. And then, boom! Heavy rain began!

Later, when I exited the shopping centre with a trolley laden with groceries, it had stopped raining. Oh good I thought! Until … the moment I started to walk to my car, it started to pelt down. God, what are you up to, I asked! What a job it was to get my groceries into my car boot and ensure I stayed relatively dry in the process. Alas, too often the rain pelts down, hard and fast. And there isn't even a rainbow in sight! Both literally and metaphorically! At one of our Bible studies earlier this year, our beautiful Bible teacher, Mel, showed us a fascinating video of a caterpillar being transformed into a butterfly. The butterfly was struggling inside the chrysalis, so a well-meaning person had tried to help it along. Sadly it was the worst thing to do. The butterfly emerged with its wings not properly formed and it didn't last long. The process of struggle was needed in order for it to be formed properly.

And that's what God does for us too. He often allows us to flounder – like a baby who's learning to walk or a five year old figuring out how to tie his shoelaces, Like a teenager being grounded as a consequence for his reckless actions. Struggle is no picnic. But it is in the struggle that life arrives. The way a cake gets baked in hot temperatures. Or a diamond emerges from coal refined. Or a butterfly flies out of the chrysalis, whole and beautiful to fly exactly as God intended.

Two kinds of answers to our prayers. Two kinds of blessings. The same faithful Father behind our growth and care. If you are experiencing a season of battle, I do understand. I am right there in the furnace with you dear friend. Let's embrace the process. Let's trust our God. He knows what He is doing. And His love is leading us every step of the way. Tough love is hard, but tough love is pure. And that kind of love from the Father, is surely the answer to all our prayers.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. Hebrews 12:7

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

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