

It happened when I least expected it! There I was, snug as a bug in a rug, inside my mother's womb. Nothing marred my serene, solitary, joyful existence. But then ... it happened! I was shoved out, head first, with little warning ... into a strange loud bright new world. I came out red-faced, screaming. A Wow moment that kick-started my life!  

It happened when I least expected it! There I was, 16 years old, contemplating what this world is on about. I had a good life. A Mum and Dad who loved each other and cared deeply for us. Six siblings to do life with. School. Friends. Things to do. Books to read. Places to go. But deep inside of me, I knew there was more. Life had to be about something bigger! And then it happened! I heard Great News. Of a Saviour, One who died for me. I found Him and I found Life. It altered everything. A Wow moment that changed the trajectory of my life forever. Thank you Jesus! 

It happened when I least expected it. There I was, 26 years old. Never had a boyfriend ... never been kissed! Was I destined to live life on my own? God would have to manufacture a man because there was no one suitable around. And wow ... He did it! He created a man out of thin air, just for me! I realised one beautiful day that the man of my dreams was right under my nose! A Wow moment that transformed my life and brought great joy!

It happened when we least expected it. There we were, living our lives as if nothing could go wrong, when everything did. This unseen virus swooped down and took over. It changed everything. And I mean EVERYTHING! I know you will agree. An Eeek moment we never guessed would come our way ... not in a million years! But it did. It changed our lives from carefree to careful, from stable to unstable, from peaceful to chaotic, from hopeful to hopeless.

When I took the garbage bags out in our former home, it served as a reminder to step into my Father's presence. I'd breathe the cool night air, gaze at the stars and relish many rich God moments. But four years ago, after we moved to our new home, we placed our bins, not at the front of the house as they used to be, but in a corner of our backyard. Sadly, that meant that I couldn't have a glimpse of the night sky when I went out, because the patio roof blocked it. 

A few nights ago, as I approached those bins, lemon green foliage waved their arms at me in friendly banter as winds rustled through them. Silver moonlight shimmered through the branches. All at once, like the transformation of a crysallis into a butterfly, that nook of trash bins was transformed into a place of exquisite beauty. I stopped in my tracks, eyes wide, holding my breath. It was a holy moment and I heard God's whisper. He told me then, that it's often in life's ugly & rough moments that His grace breaks into our lives. It's in ordinary places that we find Him. It's where we least expect God that He shows up. Perhaps covid is even a catalyst to find the good life? What do you think?

Since that night, every time I go out to place bin bags in our wheelie bin, my heart quickens. There amidst the humdrum, I now find a fresh moment of delight, a flash of grace, an upward glance of love at my Heavenly Father. His presence is always a given, waiting to be found. It was a lesson in the unexpected. There's joy awaiting us when we see life from His perspective. And so let's greet the New Year with hope and expectation, our hands placed firmly in God's Strong Hand.

Whatever 2022 brings, we can rejoice in Jesus. In the knowledge of His presence. The joy of His embrace. The certainty that He goes before us. The comfort that He will continue to hold us together. The growth of our souls (especially when hard times arrive), as we look to Him and learn of Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

May your New Year be full of the unexpected. Serendipitous moments with Jesus. The joy of heaven's eternal treasures when earth's trials are too hard to navigate or understand. The faithfulness of a loving God! Look up today into His eyes and discover again how very much He loves you. And His love my friend is enough for the both of us! For all of us. His goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life. You can count on it.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, 

so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

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