When weeds become Flowers!


I love the cold of winter. I relish walking in its bracing air. I love gazing at fresh green carpets of verdant pastures. How invigorating to walk by gurgling streams that play lively springtime melodies. Last Wednesday, I enjoyed a leisurely stroll in one of my favourite walking areas, when my eyes lighted on a feast of yellow, that looked like spilt sunshine capping the banks of a river. 'Why do they call them weeds' I wondered. Why indeed?

When we first arrived in Australia, (almost 24 years ago now), I revelled in the sight of the Oxalis pes-caprae flower (or soursob, as it is more commonly known. Are they sour?) I called them 'God's little Decorations!' How pretty they were, smiling yellow blooms bowing to breezes with their lithe little bodies dancing to nature's rhapsodies.

How does a flower get called a weed? I've done some research to find out. One theory was that a weed is a flower growing out of place. So it's not the flower that is the problem, but its location! Interesting! I'd say different. 

Weeds are miracle flowers that turn up in our gardens by serendipity! 

That's what I would say. And as I ponder on this thought-provoking question, I continue to enjoy the of colour and life that weeds have brought into my life. I'm glad they exist. They have brightened my world and made my heart sing.

During life's varied seasons, we encounter plenty of metaphorical weeds, don't we? Ones that breeze into our lives without warning and take up residence despite being uninvited guests! I've had a number of that kind of weed cluttering up the garden of my life. In spite of using the efficient week-killer of prayer and doing all else to get rid them, they don't always die out in a hurry.

I remember a season when life seemed to have come to a standstill. Weeds had arrived thick and fast and I found it hard to keep going. In fact, those weeds seemed to take over my life for a while - growing fast and sure and suffocating me. Thankfully, they did not last long. When I turned to God in humility, hope and perseverance, my weeds were soon transformed into beautiful blooms of righteousness, truth and goodness. My heart blossomed along with those flowers, blessed, refreshed, revitalised. The benedictions of that season - that had occurred decades ago now, have stayed with me since, never to leave.

I found a new intimacy with God. A deeper understanding of His Word and His ways. A fresh determination to keep the beauty created out of those weeds - righteousness, purity, love, a closer walk with Jesus. They grew well then and now and continue to flourish in the quiet corners of my heart. The other day I was reading an excellent book by Ajith Fernando - 'The Family Life of a Christian Leader'. He mentions hindrances to a contented life - I took note of them, realising I had to work on some of the aspects he talked about. One of them in particular resonated with me.

He noted that one hindrance to a life of contentment is ... 

"Not being willing to accept that God can turn the unfortunate experiences you have had into something good, so that they no longer should be classified as 'unfortunate experiences.' " Ajith Fernando

Isn't that a wonderful way to view the challenges we encounter in our lives? God promises us in Romans 8:28 that all things will be worked out together to bring lasting good to those who love Him. So if we simply accept this wondrous truth - those troublesome weeds will transform into flowers. The unfortunate experiences will in fact now be called blessings because they've made us more Christlike and will, just as He promised, work out for our eternal good.

And so today dear friend, I would like to encourage you. Have unasked for weeds wafted into the garden of your life, taking over the precious patch you have been tending? Are you finding your efforts to remove them have not borne fruit as yet? Take heart. All is not lost.

As you surrender them to the Master Gardener, Jesus, He will turn the unfortunate into something good.

He will turn your weeds into magnificent flowers.

He will make of the garden of your life, a place of transcendence that will blossom forever!

"And we know that in all things God works

for the good of those who love him,

who have been called according to His purpose."

Romans 8:28 NIV

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT

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